MA Counselling (Keele University) 2000
Advanced Diploma Counselling
Diploma in Counselling
Diploma in Coaching Supervision
Certificate in Art Therapy Skills
Certificate in Coaching
Who am I?
What might be of interest to you?
I have listed my qualifications, however I imagine you might be looking for something else. Something that might help you get a sense of who I am and how we might work together?
I say a few things…. but do ask me if there is anything else you would like to know.
I have a profound belief in people, and the life-giving essence within us that enables us to navigate this complex journey through life.
At times I had someone who believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself - through those people I grew in confidence.
I had mentors who held a torch to potential pathways - and I became more able to make choices.
I had people who made me laugh when I thought I might never smile again - and I came to understand these times would pass.
These life experiences lead me to believe that people need people, especially at times of growth and change.
Relationships matter.
The first time I encountered person-centred theory I knew this work captured the essentials for a generative relationship between people, and this remains the basis for my work today.
If we work together, I’ll attend to the quality our relationship. I’ll bring myself as fully as possible into service of you, and our contract - and through our connection, and attention, your wisdom will emerge.
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