Confidant & coaching
Confidant collaborations
I offer intensive Confidant relationships for 6 - 12 months.
The Confidant relationship is a sounding board and a compassionate, playful truth-teller.
The space allows for reflection and exploration of ideas, hunches, and thoughts. Often the situation calling for attention will begin with disperate elements. Seldom do we know the fully formed question before3 we start on the journey of exploration. It is only through the steps that more of the whole becomes evident.
This is an extended space, responding to the ebb and flo of your inquiry and your life, spacious and time bound, allowing for deeper reflection and meaningful illumination.
We will meet ‘in person’ in Edinburgh, or virtually using Zoom platform. Sometimes weekly, although often less frequently. Moving with your changing needs.
Coaching contracts
Coaching packages are generally for 6 months.
Our agreement will be tailored to your current situation and needs. We might typically include a longer introductory session plus 5 x 1 hour sessions.
Often there is an area of work, career or legacy that you would like to explore… although sometimes it is a sense that a space for reflection will enhance your ability to continue in your current, or next, role.
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