Psychotherapy & counselling
What’s happening that brings you here today?
How are you? And how is your life?
What’s troubling you?
We might begin with your life now, and the areas that concern you. We could explore the past. Often the roots of current challenges lie in patterns and ways of being that were once useful, however no longer serve us in the present. Or you may wish to talk about fears and concerns for the future.
My practice is based on believing in the innate resourcefulness and essential goodness of all human beings…. however, I also know from my own experience, that there are times that this is hard to hold onto for ourselves.
Recent neuroscience confirms that, whilst we may have the resources for change, we really need other people in the process of change - someone to walk alongside as we explore uncharted territory or manage our emotional response.
The therapeutic relationship can be a powerful agent for change. It is through our relationship that you can gain understanding about yourself, use me as a sounding-board, a mirror, and an active partner in your process. For my part, I will bring along all of my experience and training* in service of you. Together we will draw on whatever is helpful to you in your exploration and growth.
We will meet ‘in person’ in Edinburgh, or ‘virtually’ using Zoom. Sometimes weekly, often less frequently depending on your needs.
*Person-centred essence, informed by psychodynamic theory with a range of additional resources (e.g. pluralistic approaches, gestalt, art, coaching, embodied practice).