A short ICF APPROVED course designed as an introduction to supervision and/or to group supervision.
It is designed to give participants a range of experiences through which they may gain:
a) Direct professional development in developing a coaching mindset;
b) Insights into the role and functions of supervision as a vehicle for professional development, a support to practitioners, and in maintaining professional standards;
c) Insights into how they might make best use of supervision in groups – what a range of group supervision styles each offer to supervisees; how to present case material; how best to contribute to the learning of others; the importance of contracting; the role of maintaining a reflective journal in capturing learning and recording the application of learning in practice; and for those unfamiliar with supervision itself, the role of supervision in developing competencies as distinct from the role of mentor-coaching.
d) Introduction to group work and understanding the dynamics between individuals and groups
Key characteristics
• Flowing In: facilitated introductory session
• 4 x Online Supervision Groups with 4 experienced Supervisors
• Folding & Reflecting session capturing learning and application in practice during the series
• Wholly online
• Highly experienced supervisor team
• Multi-cultural team
• Simultaneous interpretation English / Russian
Course Content
The four supervisors will deliver their groups in four different ways and will include creative approaches, using themes in coaching, culture, and psychodynamic group process.
Your Supervisors
Jo Birch (UK)
Gillian Walters (Switzerland/UK)
Further Supervisors to be confirmed
For more information…
Please email Sam Fremantle, sam@crucial-difference.org