Advanced Certificate in Group Supervision
EMCC Level 7 Award
This is an Advanced Certificate for qualified and/or experienced supervisors.
The Advanced Certificate in Group Supervision is accredited by EMCC and is suitable for coaches, HR professionals and other leaders provided they have completed initial supervision training - with Crucial Difference or elsewhere.
The programme offers opportunities to deepen knowledge of yourself as a supervisor, particularly yourself in groups. It extends your learning far beyond the basics.
This is a challenging programme! It can be completed in 28 weeks, and requires around 6 hours engagement per week, every week.
The course enables you to look deeply at yourself in your work, peeling back layers of awareness, noticing patterns, and understanding the dynamics at play when humans interact.
Group Supervision involves the entire being of the supervisor as a living~learning system, integrated within the context of groups and the wider world.
Within this programme you will find yourself immersed in a range of encounters designed to stretch you. These experiences will help you to recognise deeply embedded personal and relational patterns, enabling you to be more choiceful, and better hold others in a group context.
You will source, and draw from, your own areas of interest; applying insights in practice; sharing discoveries with peers - during the programme and beyond.
In our unique approach we bring alive complexity-attuned frames and natural inclusionality through an introduction and workshop series.
Workshop Sessions
Setting the container Contracting
Systems & Complexity
Natural Inclusionality
Peer Supervision
Creative Approaches
Reflexive Folds
Practice Development
…and more
Guest sessions
Nature as a dynamic co-partner
Psychodynamic theory
Applied Theory U
Catalyst Conversations – Peer Supervision
More details
There are 10 online workshops (2.5 hours each).
4 Reflective Learning Groups (RLGs) each 1.5 hours, facilitated by core faculty
4 Peer Practice Pods (PPPs) An opportunity to put into action learning / insights you are gaining.
1 Catalyst Conversation & debrief. Aspects of Peer Supervision, and delivery of learning to group.
5 Supervision Groups each 1.5 hours: receiving ‘Supervision of Supervision’ on your practice.
15 hours Group Supervision delivering supervision to coaches, and/or other practitioners/leaders with prior agreement.
48 hours individual study Reflective Learning Journal, watching/listening to recordings, reading, and maintaining Supervision Log
Successful completion of the Advanced Certificate in Group Supervision
You will attend and participate in all 10 workshops.
You will attend and participate in all Reflective Learning Groups, Supervision Groups, and at least 10 hours in Peer Practice Pods (PPPs)
You will participate in sharing and extending group learning from your PPP Catalyst Conversation
You will submit pre-course reflections* on ‘What are you noticing about yourself as a supervisor? And what is drawing you towards Group Supervision?’
You will submit a mid-way synthesis* of your reflections.
You will deliver a short reflective piece in Workshop 10 (final workshop) and guidance will be given.
Final reflective assignment* will be drawn from: Pre-course reflections; Part-way synthesis; continuous reflecting in Journals; insights from Workshop 10 and will illustrate your progress. You will draw out the insights and personal breakthroughs that enable you to receive the award of Advanced Certificate in Group Supervision.
You will submit a Supervision Log demonstrating Supervision received and delivered. This will also support any future application for Accreditation with EMCC or similar professional body.
Reflective submissions: Guidance for each piece - 750 words; submitted to Sam Exact Hand-in dates will be issued to participants as soon as programme dates are finalised.
What a gift & conclusion to a wonderful experience. The design & delivery of this Group Supervision Program was stunning. The many facets & contributors made it rich, varied and distinctive. I met some fabulous fellow learners too.
I will always ask the question "who are you in groups" and remember to apply the Simple Rules.
Tara Nolan, 19.7.22 (on Linked In)
Specialist in Team Coaching | Team Coaching Supervision
‘Game of Teams’ Podcast creator
I am so delighted to have completed this programme. Working with 8 other wonderful supervisors, I have had an opportunity to refine the craft of supervising groups. Even more importantly, I have had a chance to meet myself and to reflect deeply on myself in relations to groups,. What a journey!
Michele White, 19.7.22 (on Linked In)
Executive Coach | Team Coach
Supervisor – Individuals, Groups and Team Coaches